民乐 Reimagined
Multisensory Experience | Educational Technology | Live Audiovisual System
Collaborative Work with Daisy Chen, Jiaxin Yang, Ingrid Wang.
My Role: Experience Design Lead, Client Relations Manager
Timeline: October 2020 - December 2020 (6 weeks)
Project Client: Shanghai Chinese Orchestra 上海民族乐团
Made with: Hardware - Arduino, Projector; Software - Processing; Materials - CLantern, Dried Flowers.
| Opportunity
We were asked by our partner Shanghai Chinese Orchestra to create an experience that hopes to increase people’s interest in Chinese Traditional Music.
| Outcome
We conducted thorough research, brainstorming, and ideation. In the end, we prototyped one of our ideas and pitched it to our partner, which received their approval and lead to further collaboration and ongoing research.
Together with teammates, we researched theories of creative learning, engagement, and design-based research, especially related to web-based and mobile-based experiences and principles of creative making with new media. 民乐 Reimagined is a digital learning experience designed at the intersection of the arts, coding, and technology in collaboration with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra as a partner.
Design Process
01. Problem Seeking
Extrinsic motivations override intrinsic motivations
Limited Chinese traditional music experience
High preference for learning Western music instruments
We started off our research by looking at the background of why traditional Chinese tends to decrease people’s attention. After conducting user questionnaires and literal research, we identify three key factors that are shown above to be the reason why people are losing interest. We then continue our research by reframing the problem.
02. Problem Reframing
How might we design an experience, which will help users to see Chinese traditional music from a new perspective?
03. The Solution
Creating a multi-sensory immersive experience of Traditional Chinese Music, where it uses Chinese traditional instruments to imitate the sounds of nature.
04. Design Model
The design model we used to guide us through this project is the “Experience Design Sequences” created by Nathan Shedroff in his book Experience Design (2001). It separates every experience into the components of “Attraction, Engagement, Conclusion”. Inspired by his model, we then redesigned an experience map that would suit our project the best.
05. User Personas
06. Development Timeline
Week 1: Concept ideation and brainstorming
Week 2: Converged into 4 main ideas, discussed the way of physical presentation
Week 3: Defined theme concept, divided into two teams, formulated production plan
Week 4: Tech and visual exploration and development
Week 5: Assembled prototype and made final modifications
Week 6: Final presentation and user-testing
07. Initial 11 Ideas Through Group Brainstorming Session
08. Idea Analysis & Comparison
09. Mood-board for the FinalConcept
10. Technological Development Process
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